Bonnett Solutions
Career Time Line
- 1983 to 1988. After graduation from Creighton University went to work for Mutual of Omaha. Worked in
operations and the software developments departments for 5 years.
- 1988 to 1990. Became the primary developer for the Embossing facility. Developed many new products and supported
the building of a state of the art Embossing facility that is one of the largest in the world.
- 1990 to 1992. One of the largest conversions First Data has ever accomplished was the purchase of Signet Ltd in
Basildon UK. After the aquisition all processing was converted to the First Data platform. Played a key
role in many areas including Embossing production, Statement production and Cardholder Maintenance.
- 1992 to 2000. As an Application Architect I participated in a series of key pieces of development including
developing ultragrahics, rearchitecting the Embossing system, Account Level Processing, Transaction Level Processing
and Rules. Rules is decisioning platform based on data driven architecture
- 2000 to 2003. Became a member of PAG. The Product Architecture Group, was a group of senior level Analysts
that was put together to drive architecture changes in the organization. We managed large projects, and rewrote
many of the company's procedures.
- 2003 to 2005. Statement Analyst. Assisted in the integration of the Extreme software into the production of
Credit Card Statements. Also created a method to add offline clients to our statement production. We can now
create statements for third parties.
- 2006 to 2008. Rejoined the Rules team and worked on several projects in the Emessenger and Expedited Delivery
platforms. These are distributed type applications that were triggered by the Rules decisioning engine.
- 2008 to Present. Joined a team of analysts in the Merchant Services Area. Have been working on a product to
upgrade the production of Merchant Statements.