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2010 Seat Assignments

Player Table Seat
Dale 17 5
Donny 99 3
Jeff 24 4

Day 1

We should have alot of stories to tell from this year's World Series of Poker, but unfortunately that is all we will be taking from the Rio. We all last the typical 4 to 5 hours. These tournaments are so difficult. It is hard to survive that first day. If you don't catch cards it can be brutal.

Dale's Day

Dale had worked his way up to about $8,000 in chips. Unfortunately Dale ran into trips twice and found himself headed to the rail after about 4 hours of play.

Donny's Day

Donny will never look at pocket Kings the same way again. Donny used pocket Kings to double up twice to help him take his chip stack to over $11,000. But Donny found himself committed to a pot where he was up against pocket Kings and his WSOP was over. It was a good first year for Donny. Hope he tries again next year.


Jeff's Day

In many ways my day went like last year's. I started very cold, but in the 4th hour I went on a run. I went from about $2,500 to about $8,000 in just a few minutes.

But then I ran into Alex Jacob. After the flop, I went all in when I flopped a pair of Kings. Alex called me with a pair of 8's and hit his third 8 on the river. I was done about 45 minutes from the dinner break. Yes that is a picture of Alex Jacob on the right

Main Event Final Table